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The Risk of Radical Penetration Agents



Code Name Sanford - I often warn in GMJ books about the threat and menace of penetration agents (radicals) inside Western Intelligence Agencies. This is something that will bite the West in the years to come and is being suppressed for political reasons.


In the previous book, Code Name Odette, GMJ 8, we took a hard look at cyphers and codes, explaining to you the difference between the two as well as the history of cyphers. More importantly, we warned that according to the Al-Qaeda Manual, found on the laptops of the London Tube bombers (the 2005 attack), that hostile penetration is taking place. I also revealed that the Western Agencies are not vetting new members properly and that they are being too politically correct.


The reasons the Western “Spymasters” gave for their LGBT views are numerous and all to do with human rights and non-discrimination. Whatever your personal opinion may be on gays and lesbians in general, I look at this aspect only from a counter-terrorism and counter-espionage view, not religious, not personal but practical.


In Code Name Moonlight, GMJ 29, I demolished those very arguments. In the real world, the official reasons are just so much crap and will never protect the gay agent as they claim, just because he came out of the closet. Nor will it prevent blackmail, as they claim. Once again, they are showing to me that they have no clue on operating in other theatres except their own.


In Code Name Sanford, we see the logical result of an infiltrated intelligence service. We see how such people can not only manipulate intelligence to serve their cause, whatever it may be, but take direct action, killing those that disagree with them. They also make sure that their own proteges are promoted into the higher ranks and when that is completed, they have full control and you have a serious problem. It is a dangerous business when you cannot trust your own and nothing destroys an intelligence agency faster than mole hunting. We saw that with MI6 in the 1950s and 1960s with Kim Philby. The only way is to fight back and regain control. If that means that some will die in the process, so be it. No one lives forever, and a radical should be happy to go to paradise if it exists. That is exactly what happens in Code Name Sanford, Angelique Dawson goes on the attack.

Spymaster extraordinaire, Angelique Dawson and her team are on a training mission to snatch a human target in Mozambique. She introduces her longtime bodyguard and later husband, former Police Special Forces Company Commander, Geoffrey Foxtrot, to her “Assassins,” a new para-military unit she commands. They are based on the US Army Ranger concept - secret agents trained to work with Special Forces - acting as independent active duty groups.


Foxtrot is not enthralled, and neither is Angelique that advised against their creation. He learns that the Assassins were formed to protect terrorists, and some of them were trained in Iran, thus, radicalised enough to want to kill their first commander, Angelique Dawson, a woman that does not agree with their views.


With the help of his friend, legendary Special Forces officer, Geelslang Peter Ndebele, they abduct the ringleader without the rest knowing. From the information received during interrogation, they go on the attack. The mission takes them to faraway places, and Foxtrot and Angelique find themselves in a life threatening situation miles above the earth.


Meanwhile, Angelique is becoming more aware of her growing feelings for Foxtrot...


If you wish to read about Covert and Special Forces Operations in sub-Saharan Africa, the GMJ Books are the place to start. You will learn about Special Forces techniques and military history not known outside the select few.


Code Name Sanford is the ninth book in the popular GMJ Series.

 “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”
Leon Trotsky


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